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The Conquest of Makkah


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... continued from Page 5

[44] 48th chapter of the Qur’an, entitled ‘Victoty’

[45] Ibn Kathir, Vol. III, p. 554, Bukhari relates on the authority of Mu’awiya b. Qarra that he saw the Prophet on the day of the conquest of Mecca, when he was riding his camel and reciting aloud the Suratul-Fath.

[46] Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Mughazi, chap. The Farewell Pilgrimage.

[47] Ibn Amwi has told this story in Mghazi. See Fath-ul-Bari, Vol. VIII, p. 7. Bukhari has also related the incident, with a little variation, in the for of dialogue between S’ad b. ‘Ubada and the Apostle. the full name of Ibn Amwi I syahya b. Sa’id b. Aban who is regarded as a reliable narrator and known as ‘the Truthful’. He died in 594 A.H.

[48] Ibn Hisham, Vol. II, p. 424; Zad al-Ma’ad, Vol. I, p. 424.

[49] Ibn Hisham, Vol. II, p. 411; Zad al-Ma’ad, Vol. I, p. 424.

[50] Zad al-Ma'ad, Vol. I, p. 425, also Bukhari

[51] Zad al-Ma'ad, Vol. I, p. 425, and Ibn S'ad

[52] Qur'an 49:13; Zad al-Ma'ad, Vol. I, p. 424

[53] Zad al-Ma'ad, Vol. I, p. 424.

[54] Bukhari, Chap. The Day of Victory; Zad al-a’ad, Vol. p. 425.

[55] Ibn Hisham, Vol. II, p. 417; Zad al-Ma’ad, Vol. I, p. 426.

[56] Ahmas (brave) is said to have been applied to Quraysh, Kinana, Jadila and Qays because of their horsemanship and bravery.

[57] Bukhari, Ghazwah Dhul Khalasa.

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