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Additional Ramadan Readings
category: Ramadan
reads: 10441
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Other Articles
- When was fasting enjoined?
- Attributes of the one who gains the reward for giving iftaar to one who is fasting
- When should the person who is travelling by plane break his fast?
- Spending time watching movies and soap operas and playing games in Ramadaan
- Imsaak (stopping eating) a few minutes before Fajr is bid'ah
- Extravagance in food and drink during Ramadaan
- For whom is fasting Ramadaan obligatory?
- How to pray and fast in countries where the day or night is continuous
- Those who used to fast will be called from the gate of al-Rayyaan
- Ruling on eating suhoor whilst the muezzin is giving the call to prayer
- Eating out of forgetfulness in Ramadan does not matter
- The ruling on one who kissed a girl who was a stranger (non-mahram) to him in Ramadaan
- Ruling on breaking one's fast in Ramadaan because of exams
- She wants to fast but she does not cover her face or hair
- Where does Waswaas( bad thoughts) come from in Ramadaan
- Stopping one's period during Ramadaan
- Fasting in countries where the day is very short or very long
- Breaking the Fast and Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer
- Ruling of non-Muslim Fasting
- When to Start Ordering the Young to Fast
- Time for Imsaak (Starting the Fast) when the Calendar Times are Different
- He Completed Fasting 30 Days Then Arrived in a Country Still on their 30th day
- Fasting During Short Days In Ramadan
My Dear Ramadan Stay-at-Home Mom, I Salute You
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How to Benefit from The Quran
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Things that Break Your Fast
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Signs That Allah Loves His Slave
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Qiyam Al-Layl and Tahajjud Prayer
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