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10 Points for Excelling in Ramadan

Yaser Birjas

category: Ramadan


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8. Be Prepared & Adaptable:

Be prepared to change your schedule.  Many people are effective the first few days but then feel that they are losing it and then lose momentum completely and say they can't do it.  Instead of slightly changing their schedule, they try to start over with a completely new schedule and then they quit.  Expect yourself to change plans.  It may not be a dramatic change, but you need to adapt.  It is better for you than completely quitting the program over and over again.

The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) started his days with plans and changed them.  One time he entered the house of one of his wives and asked if there was any food, and if there wasn't, then he would say he would fast.  He could have gone out and looked for food somewhere else, but he took the opportunity to fast.

Never put your programs back to back and make them so crowded.  When there is an emergency, the whole program will be broken up.  Expect yourself to do some changes, which will make it less stressful for you.  If you start reading five juz every single night and then realize that they are too much and then decrease to three juz and then you are short two juz.  As you try to make up and do seven, you start to lose hope.  Expect yourself to adapt and change.  Do something reasonable every single night like reading three juz and move on with your schedule.  Don't simply cancel the good deeds you have started just because you think you are falling behind.

You may fall sick or have an emergency to travel or relatives may come to visit.  Expect to change some of your plans.

9. Remind Yourself of the Virtue of What You are Doing:

Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) says in the Qur'an:  "Reminders benefit the believers.'  During the month of Ramadan, you are going to feel a little tired and exhausted.  Go to someone who you think can help you remind yourself.  Ask them for advice.  Remind yourself by spending a few minutes each night in dhikr and du'a'.  Read about the virtues of fasting every now and then.  For many people it becomes a cliché, but the reminder definitely benefits the believers.  Keep Riyadh Al-Saaliheen handy and the ahadeeth about the virtues of Ramadan handy.  Hopefully it will rejuvenate your spirit.  If that doesn't work, then have someone else give you advice.  If that doesn't help, attend a program in the masjid.  Revisit your goals.

10. Never Give Up!

If the Shaytan wants anything from us, it is for us to give up on ourselves.  The Shaytan whispers that you can't do it and that you aren't the person to achieve the good deeds and you give up on doing them.  How many times have you vowed after Ramadan to wake up for qiyam'l-layl after Ramadan and you never achieve it?  How many times have you wanted to fast Mondays and Thursdays after Ramadan?  Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) says in SurahYusuf:  "Never give up hope of Allah's Mercy.  Truly no one despairs of Allah's Mercy except those who have no faith.'  Never cancel your plans in the month of Ramadan simply because you fell a little short or a little weak.  Even until your last breath and last seconds in this word, you are required and asked to do something that is good.  In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad, the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said in a hadeeth of Anas: "If the Day of Judgment is established and you have a plant in your hand, if you are able to put it in the earth before the Day of Judgment completely starts, then do it.'  With Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), you will benefit.  Even if it is the last second of the month of Ramadan.  What were you doing last year?  People were getting ready to finish and prepare for Eid.  It is one of the blessed moments.  Focus on du'a' and dhikr and give charity.  Once Ramadan is over, what was multiplied in Ramadan will no longer be multiplied.  Never give up even if you fall short and behind.  Continue doing good deeds until the end of the month, even if it is the last night.  Even if it is the last hour and you still haven't finished khatm'l-Qur'an, still continue reading.  Falling short one juz is better than falling short 15 juz.  Remember that you are dealing with Allah, and Allah is the One who rewards.  With Allah, it is absolutely worth every effort that you are doing.


It is never too late to prepare for Ramadan.  You will never be too ready for the month.  Plant some principles in your mind and heart so that you have something to achieve.  Have the hunger of success.  Have the ardent desire to succeed in Ramadan.  Do you have that or do you think that you are not a strong achiever?  Expect to succeed more insha'Allah and have a hunger for success.

Set your goals very high.  Allah has set your goals higher than you can imagine and is helping you set your goals high.  Go and try to achieve these goals.  Build confidence that you can achieve these goals.  Don't beat yourself down.  If you fail once, it does not mean you are a failure.

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