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The Treachery of Banu Quraidha
category: History & Biographies
reads: 16163
... continued from Page 3
In short, nobody paid any attention to the incident and the matter would have been forgotten had not ‘Abdullah b. Ubbay walked into the picture. On coming back to Madeenah, ‘Abdullah b.Ubayy thought it proper for their plans to succeed to capitalize on the adversity. He had found out, as he would though, something that he could bank upon to humiliate the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) and his household and thus weaken Muslims’ sentiments of love and admiration for him and his family. His treacherous disposition was ample enough to assure him that his shameless attack on the Prophet’s honor would create sufficient misgivings to destroy even the mutual trust among the Muslims. And true enough, the crafty conspirator, had thus convinced a few circumspect Muslims who were accustomed to jumping into conclusions without verification.
'Aisha (radiallahu 'anhaa) had no idea of the defamation against her. As it normally happens in such cases, she came to know of it very late, and when she did, she was bewildered. Plunged into sorrow, her anguish had kept her sobbing until tears overflowed her eyes.
The scandal was even more distressing to the Prophet of God (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam). When he found out the architect of this intrigue, he proceeded to the mosque and ascending the pulpit he said, “O ye believers, who would allow me to say something about the man, who I have come to know, has caused trouble to my family? What I know of my family is naught but good and what they say concerning a man, I have known only good about him. Whenever he enters my house, he enters with me.” The people of Aus were filled with indignation at the grief of the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam). They said, “We are prepared to behead the man, whether he belongs to Aus or Khazraj, who has given tongue to this calumny.” ‘ Abdullah b. Ubayy belonged to Khazraj, and hence his tribesmen took the remark as an affront to tribal honor. Pent up emotions reigned until the two tribes were about to grapple with one another, but the presence of the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) calmed them down finally preventing the outbreak.
‘Aisha was convinced of her innocence. She was distressed, but was also confident and composed, so typical of the one who knows that the truth ultimately prevails in the end. She knew in the abyss of her heart that God would ultimately protect her honor and bring shame to the slanderers. But it had never crossed her mind that God would send down a revelation concerning her, which would be read in the mosques during prayers, a reality that will abide ‘till the end of time. She had not waited for long when the verses attesting her innocence were sent down by God, hence:
“Lo! They who spread the slander are a gang among you. Deem is not a bad thing for you: nay, it is good for you. Unto every man of them (will be paid) that which he hath earned of the sin; and for him among them who had the greater share therein, his will be an awful doom. “Why did not the believers, men and women, when ye heard it, think good their own folk, and say: it is a manifested untruth?” [Qur'an 24: 11-12]
And thus ended the frightful menace which was forgotten completely by the Muslims of Madeenah who devoted themselves once again to a great task which determines not only their own success, but that of the salvation of the entire humanity as well. (Ibn Hisham, Vol. II, pp. 289-302 and Al-Bukhari)
[14] The covenant gives the names of various Jewish tribes of Madeenah like Bani ‘Auf, Abni Sa’ida, Bani Jusham, Bani Th’alaba who were made party to the covenant.
[15.] Writing about the action of the Jews on this occasion, W. Montgomery Watt write in the Cambridge History of Islam: “The remaining large Jewish group in Madeenah, the clan of Qurayza, had been overtly correct in its behaviour during siege, but had almost certainly been in contact with the enemy, and would have attacked Muhammad in the rear had there been an opportunity.” (Vol. I p. 49).
[16] Ibn Hisham, Vol. II, pp. 233-34. For detailed version see Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Jihad was-Siyar.
[17] Ibn Hisham, Vol. II, pp. 239-40. The words of the Prophet quoted in the Muslim are: “You have awarded them the God’s decision” or the Prophet said, “The King’s decision.” (Muslim, Kitab-ul-Jihad was-siyar)
[18] The expedition is therefore also called as the expedition of Murays’i. See tabaqat Ibn S’ad.
[19] An illustration of the Arabs’ conduct towards women is provided by the incident relating to the migration of Umm Salma. When she was not allowed to migrate to Madeenah with her husband, she used to go every morning and sit in the valley weeping till the night fall. So it continued until a year or so had passed when her clan took pity on her and allowed her to join her husband. She saddled her camel and set forth Madeenah. ‘Uthman b. Talha met her in way and on coming to know her plight decided to escort her. He took hold of her camel’s halter and went with her to Madeenah. Umm Salma says that she never met an Arab nobler than ‘Uthman. When she had to halt, ‘Uthman used to kneel her camel and then withdrew. After she had alighted, he unload the camel and tied it to a tree. This, ‘Uthman did all the way to Madeenah. (Ibn Kathir, Vol. II, pp. 215-17) This was the conduct of ‘Uthman when he had accepted Islam. Safwan b. al-Mu’attal al-Salami was a had the benefit of the Prophet’s guidance.
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