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The Month of Safar

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

category: Special Months & Times


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... continued from Page 3

And he said:

Section on the campaign of Qutbah ibn 'Aamir ibn Hadeedah to Khath’am.

This took place in Safar 9 AH. Ibn Sa’d said: they said: the Messenger of Allaah sent Qutbah ibn 'Aamir with twenty men to a region of Khath’am at the end of Tibaalah, and he commanded him to launch a raid. They went out with ten camels, which they took turns riding. They captured a man and interrogated him, but he would not speak, then he started yelling, raising the alarm, so they killed him. They waited until the people had gone to sleep, then they launched their attack. There was intense fighting, resulting in many wounded on both sides. Qutbah ibn 'Aamir killed whoever he killed, and they (the Muslims) took the cattle, women and sheep to Madeenah. It says in the story that the people regrouped and pursued them, then Allaah sent a great flood which came between them and the Muslims, so the Muslims drove the cattle, sheep and prisoners whilst they were looking on, but they could not cross the water until they had gone. (Zaad al-Ma’aad, 3/514)

And he said:

A delegation from 'Udhrah came to the Messenger of Allaah in Safar of 9 AH, consisting of twelve men, including Jamrah ibn al-Nu’maan. The Messenger of Allaah said: "Who are these people?" Their spokesman said: "Some people that you may know of; we are Bani 'Udhrah, the brother of Qusayy on his mother’s side. We are the people who supported Qusayy and removed Khuzaa’ah and Bani Bakr from the valley of Makkah. We have relatives and families." The Messenger of Allaah said: "Welcome to you, I know you well." They became Muslim, and the Messenger of Allaah gave them the glad tidings of the conquest of Shaam (Syria) and the flight of Heraclius to a well-fortified part of his country. The Messenger of Allaah forbade them to consult fortunetellers, and to offer the sacrifices which they used to offer, telling them that they were obliged only to offer the udhiyah (sacrifice of Eid al-Adha). They stayed for a few days in the house of Ramlah, then they departed." (Zaad al-Ma’aad, 3/657)

False ahaadeeth that have been narrated concerning Safar.

Ibn al-Qayyim said: Section of ahaadeeth which give the dates of future events. This includes ahaadeeth in which it mentions such and such a date, for example, "In the year such and such, such and such will happen" or "In the month such and such, such and such will happen." This is like the words of the big liar: "When the moon is eclipsed in Muharram, there will be a rise in prices, fighting, and the ruler will be distracted from public affairs, and when it is eclipsed in Safar, such and such will happen… " and so on, as the liar said concerning all the months. All the ahaadeeth of this type are false and fabricated. (al-Manaar al-Muneef, p. 64)

And Allaah knows best.

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