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Muhammed in The Bible

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

category: Prophethood


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Indeed history tells us that many early Christians understood the Paraclete to be a man and not a spirit. This might explain the followings who responded to some who claimed, without meeting the criteria stipulated by Jesus, to be the awaited "Paraclete".

It was Prophet Muhammed (Peace be Upon Him) who was the Paraclete, Comforter, helper, admonisher sent by God after Jesus. He testified of Jesus, taught new things which could not be born at Jesus’ time, he spoke what he heard (revelation), he dwells with the believers (through his well-preserved teachings). Such teachings will remain forever because he was the last messenger of God, the only Universal Messenger to unite the whole of humanity under God and on the path of PRESERVED truth. He told of many things to come which "came to pass" in the minutest detail meeting, the criterion given by Moses to distinguish between the true prophet and the false prophets. [Deuteronomy 18:22] He did reprove the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. [John 16:8-11]

Was the Shift of Religious Leadership Prophesied?

Following the rejection of the last Israelite prophet, Jesus, it was about time that God’s promise to make Ishmael a great nation be fulfilled. [Genesis 21:13, 18]

In Matthew 21:19-21, Jesus spoke of the fruitless fig tree (A Biblical symbol of prophetic heritage) to be cleared after being given a last chance of three years (the duration of Jesus’ ministry) to give fruit. In a later verse in the same chapter, Jesus said : "Therefore, say I unto you, the Kingdom of God shall be taken away from you, and given to nation bringing forth the fruit thereof." [Matthew 21:43] That nation of Ishmael’s descendants [the rejected stone in Matthew 21 :42] which was victorious against all super-powers of its time as prophesied by Jesus: "And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." [Matthew 21:44]

Out of Context Coincidence?

Is it possible that the numerous prophecies cited here are all individually and combined out of context misinterpretations? is the opposite true, that such infrequently studied verses fit together consistently and clearly point to the advent of the man who changed the course of human history, Prophet Muhammed (Peace be Upon Him). Is it reasonable to conclude that all these prophecies, appearing in different books of the Bible and spoken by various prophets at different times were all coincidence? If this is so here is another strange "coincidence"!

One of the signs of the prophet to come from Paran (Mecca) is that he will come with "ten thousands of saints." [Deuteronomy 33:2 KJV] That was the number of faithful who accompanied Prophet Muhammed to Paran (Mecca) in his victorious, bloodless return to his birthplace, to destroy the remaining symbols of idolatry in the Ka’bah.

Says God as quoted by Moses:

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him. [Deuteronomy 18:19]

Dear Readers:

May the light of truth shine in your heart and mind. May it lead you to peace and certitude in this life and eternal bliss in hereafter.

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