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Islamic Basics
The How To's...
The Battle of Badr
category: History & Biographies
total reads: 34705
In the second year of the Hijrah, during the month of Ramadan, the Muslims came up against the infidels in the decisive battle of Badr which was to prove the turning point not only... continue reading
How to Benefit from The Quran
Abu Rumaysah Refi Shafi
category: Soul Purification
total reads: 17369
If you truly want to benefit from the Qur'an, your heart must be attentive and alert when reciting it or listening to it. Listen to it carefully with presence of mind, paying atten... continue reading
Who was Muhammed
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
category: Prophethood
total reads: 8761
In brief, Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) was born in a noble tribe of Mecca in Arabia in the year 570 CE (Christian Era). His ancestry goes back to Prophet Ishma... continue reading
The Prophet Adam and Human Evolution
Sheikh Haitham Al-Haddad
category: Aqeedah
total reads: 15889
The theory of human evolution, namely that man descended from apes, is widely accepted amongst non-Muslims although there have been many non-Muslim scientists, atheists included, w... continue reading
Shaytan's Deception: Going to Extremes
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim
category: Soul Purification
total reads: 10314
Allah never orders anything except that Satan takes two contradictory stances towards it: either shortcoming and negligence or overzealousness and exaggeration. It does not ma... continue reading
Short Biography of Imam Bukhari
author: Anonymous
category: History & Biographies
total reads: 42354
Signs That Allah Loves His Slave
author: Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
category: Soul Purification
total reads: 59763
My Dear Ramadan Stay-at-Home Mom, I Salute You
author: Yaser Birjas
category: Ramadan
total reads: 15814
How to Benefit from The Quran
author: Abu Rumaysah Refi Shafi
category: Soul Purification
total reads: 17369
Obsessing Over the Evil Eye
author: Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
category: Coping with Adversity
total reads: 12916